Monday, August 9, 2010

Anthony's Birthday.....

Anthony's birthday was on Saturday and he celebrated it by working a double shift at work. Hahahaha! Poor him! The cool thing was that one of his guests bought him a shot of top shelf tequila. I thought that was random and nice. I guess there are some good people still out there.... :P

Korean tradition is that you eat seaweed/ miyuk gook soup on your birthday (and the day a mother gives birth to her child). People can eat this soup on any other day, but it's  mostly consumed on these 2 occasions. It's funny because every time we go to Anthony's samchun's store I stock up on the instant seaweed soup. His aunt and uncle always ask us, "Oh! Who's birthday is it?" I reply,"Oh, no ones, just for me!! Hehe." The instant soup taste sooooo good! I mix it with rice and sprinkle some pepper in it. Pure yumminess!

The tradition all starts with the mother who just gave birth. The mother-in-law takes care of the mother for a couple weeks to a month and helps attend to the new born. The mother-in-law also makes seaweed soup for the mother. It's believed to help with the recovery process, cleansing the blood, and helps the uterus shrink back to regular size. So, with the mother consuming the soup the baby also takes it is through the breast milk.This is considered the baby's first meal. That's where the tradition comes in and you eat seaweed soup on your birthday. It's to show your mom respect and thankfulness. :)

Now, since we're on the subject of birthdays, my friend had hers the day before Anthony's. Julie showed me some pics of her and it made me jealous!! You see, she lives in Korea now as of 3 months ago and she is an English teacher!! T_T   We were suppose to go together BUT SOMEBODY didn't get their BA in time *cough* which was ME!! *sniff sniff!!!* Now I just look at her pics and kringe until the day I finally make my way there.............

Isn't this soo cute!! Awww! And the kids are so adorable! I just wanna squeeze and hug them! hahaha

She got this cake from her teacher helper and then went to dinner with some colleagues of hers. YuM!!

and then she got 2 other cakes (from her friends and family)!!!! dang!!! How many did she need???

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