Monday, November 1, 2010


Although I've completely given up on ever putting McDonald's anywhere near my mouth, Anthony couldn't resist getting a McRib while it was in town "for a limited time." As he was chomping down on this mystery meat creation I noticed something.......................... something different...........................
 Why is the chicken not a real chicken??? It's some origami looking thing!! Then it hit me. Ah, McDonald's is being somewhat truthful to the customers. They realized that advertising their meat as real would be deceiving......*applaud* So, I figured out their secret ingredient solution with the given facts- 
chicken- over processed "meat", cheese- cheese to cover the flavoring, tomato- vegetable......oil, mystery stuff in the bag-cornmeal and corn starch. Whip these all together and it = McDonald's for our obese growing people. :D
That's right, "created" just for you! *wink*

P.S. Have you ever seen the movie Food Inc? If better!!!

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