Saturday, April 14, 2012

My 7 Super Shots

Thanks to my new twitter/blogger friend, Tom, I was tagged and took part in the Hostelbookers 7 Super Shots. You can see his pictures on his blog post here

The rules are to post a picture that best fits the 7 categories listed below. I finally looked through all my hundreds of images and narrowed it down to these. All the photos were taken during my Jeju trip in Korea last summer.

A photo that........

Takes my breath away
This scenery was so beautiful. The fog was surrounding the green mountain top where you can see the Buddhist temple hiding through the trees. 

Makes me laugh or smile
As I was passing a pet store I saw this cute little puppy in the display window. She actually had that "blush" on her cheeks. How cute. That totally made me walk right in and pet her to death.

Makes me dream
This was taken in the evening by the shore. Man, how I wish I lived in Jeju.....

Makes me think
I ate raw beef for the first time ever.There's this restaurant that we were introduced to on the island and it was pretty darn good, actually. I was thinking, "Is this safe? Legal? Good?" But in the end, it was a great experience!

Makes my mouth water
Every chance I get, I try to eat grilled fish if served at restaurants. Mackerel's one of my absolute favorite fish. You can only imagine how fresh the taste is compared to the main land.

Tells a story
One day as I was shopping through the street alleys, I had to go pee.....bad. It didn't help that I had coffee for breakfast and I was already holding it in for hours. When I finally came across a public restroom, this is what was behind the door. Umm...hmm. Wasn't sure if I was skilled enough to do and drop-n-squat, so I literally ran to the nearest restaurant and asked to use their toilet. Luckily they were nice and let me. We winded up eating there for lunch.

National Geographic worthy
This was taken Inside one of the Buddhist temples I visited. The details were so fine, bright, beautiful and eye catching.

 I nominate all by blogger friends to feel free to participate in this fun tag! Let me know if you decide to do this by commenting below. I would love to see your post!

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