TELEVISION-Now, I’m not knocking anyone that watches TV on a regular basis or admits that they can’t live without it. What I can say though is that I’m proudly free of that “bond” and can put my time to some other use…..such as school, friends, shopping……..a life!! I came across this article on Yahoo! and it reminded me of how much this one little box consumed so much of my day at one point. Contrary to the article I can still watch some of my favorite shows on the internet. True Blood is a must and it’s easily found on a couple sites. (I don’t know why the guy couldn’t just google it and find it for free??) There's,, These days you can find just about any and everything on the net.
We haven’t had cable in over 1 ½ yrs. That alone has saved us at least $150 a month. We had the whole package deal- cable, internet and the recording DVR set aka TiVo. We always had our memory to 100% full by the time our day off came around. Guess what we did on that lovely beautiful day off? Used it catching up on ALL the drama series, reality shows, plus interesting discoveries we made on the way such as Taboo. Now what I don’t miss is always "debbie downer" Fox news or any MTV reality shows…*puke, blah, gag*
TV took over our lives. As soon as we got off work…..*bam* TV time. When we woke up in the morning (more like early afternoon..hahaha) TV was quickly put to our attention….while we were eating breakfast, cleaning the dishes, getting ready for work, talking on the phone…..and I can go on and on. The TV was even on in our bedroom after we turned it off downstairs on our way to bed!! T-h-e-n we would watch it for like another hour or so!! Talk about no-lives.... ~_~
Wow, looking back I realized how much of media zombies we were.We were controlled and influenced by this black box. (not the illegal “black box.” Haha) I am soooo glad we got rid of our cable. Our relationship (Anthony and I) is better due to that I would say as well. Now when we get off work we focus on our day at work and when we’re lying in bed we talk more about the day and what’s on tomorrow’s agenda. I say, just try it!! Try leaving the TV off for 1 week and see how much better it is. It gets easier by the day. You start to accomplish things that were put off for so long (like cleaning out the closets, getting rid of old clothes, actually getting up and doing something productive.) Just thought I'd share some words of encouragement to you all.....Don't you love me? ^_^
Now, internet…that’s a no go…. :D
Now let's review what $150 would get me each month---------
AAAGGHHH!! TOO MUCH BRAINWASHING!!!!!! I think I'll keep my money, thanks.....
P.S.-Note the misspelling on the second clip. Yes, I know it's "realiZing" but this was the only pic I could find on google that matched my post perfectly!! Plus, the person that misspelled it was probably too busy watching TV as they wrote it n the pic. :P