Sunday, August 29, 2010

I'm getting sucked me

Why??? Why did I happen to stumble upon the K-Town Reality Show??? Now I'm eagerly waiting for this stupid thing to air!! I think it's ironic how I just blogged about rotting the brain with television. Guess I'll be consumed one last time. Well, technically I'll watch it on the internet and not the tv because I shut my cable off.(trying to avoid me watching mindless shows..hahaha)

I came across more info and pics to my liking and will keep googling the first air date!! hahaha..Can you say "Loser?"

These pics I posted are a comparison to the Jersey characters that I came across. I'm not familiar with the Jersey Shore crew at all (besides the "snookie" girl being that she's on every magazine stand upon my grocery checkout) but I think I can gather it.....









Saturday, August 28, 2010

Koreatown Shore???

I feel that sometimes show and movie producers are scrambling to make that quick buck. They'll make a show on just about anything these days!! You're single, he's a single, that equals = The Bachelor/Bachelorette.You have a tattoo, I have a tattoo, that equals = another hit for the next 5 years!!! Yay!! **not**

Now as much as I hate reality shows, I might be willing to rot my brain for some good ol kimchi humor. Rumor has it America is on the works of a Ktown Realty Show. * squeal*  Hmmm, I'm sure there will be a lot of honored families out there...Let's see what Cali-style Koreans have to offer!! Hoo-rah! 

Well, I'm not going to lie. I'll be one of the first to see what this guy show is all about. Looks real interesting...............

I anyone finds out the debut day/time LET ME KNOW!!!! hehe

Smelling good in the neighborhood

You know one of the things I absolutely love? I love when you walk by an attractive person , either male or female, and they smell just so……..enticing. It’s almost as if you see them in a better light. An example if you may ask- The other night I was assisting a guest at work and along with his charming and courteous personality, his cologne just really set it off. We chit-chated for a  split second, and in that mili- second I knew I was going to make sure he had a good room/stay/experience. Haha. Now don’t get me wrong. It’s not like I discriminate on looks and smells….but put the two together and it could have a positive effect….well, in my case. :D

I couldn’t help but to wonder which cologne brand it was. Maybe it was a little unprofessional of me but I had to and I did ask him which cologne he was wearing. The guest kind of chuckled and responded with ……………….Gucci.” That was halfway helpful, but there are like 6 different ones!! I wanted to know which exact one it was!!! But can you imagine, “Sir, which Gucci? What color is the bottle? What size is it? Where was the exact location you bought it? What's the approximate price...after tax?......" Yeah, I spared the questions and decided I'll just make a trip to Sephora one day to test out the Gucci's myself......"one day" is the key word/phrase.

In the mean time, that little experience sparked my motivation to write this post of my top 10 colognes and perfumes. To much of my surprise the internet and I agreed on one particular brand.....*drum roll please*.......................Armani. Ah, yes. This is my ultimate favorite (so far.) This cologne can do no wrong AND it has the ability to even improve your number scale ( you know, "how cute is he on a scale 1-10." haha) 

Let's start on my list here----------


10. Hugo Boss- Energise
This scent is simple, not too strong or too light.

9. Calvin Klein- CK One
Ah, yes. This cologne is a classic. It can be worn on men or women.

8. Liz Claiborne- Curve
Although too many teenage boys wear this (including my first love in high school) it has a very warm inviting smell to it. Not too "old manish" for a teenage boy and still good enough for an adult.(I even bought it for my dad and brother) At only coming in for $10 (for the smallest size) this cologne smells like much more and will bring you many more as well....hahaha. ^_-
7. Dolce & Gabbana- Light Blue
This cologne is PERFECT-O for the summer. Smells so fresh and clean.
6. Givenchy- Pi
Now this one is a warm scent. It's perfect for fall and winter. This is Anthony's favorite.
5.Armani- Acqua Di Gio

Another great summer scent but with just a little more "umpf" to it. Perfect for going out with that special someone.
4. Burberry- Touch
This cologne is another casual scent where it can be worn any season and anytime.

3. Armani- Black Code
This one is the "darker" version of Acqua. This too can be worn as a casual.

2. Sean John- Unforgivable
I'm not really into celebrity scents but Sean aka P. Diddy has a good nose. (no wonder he has 6 kids from all different mothers....hehe) The scent is very "expensive" smelling and definitely worth the $50!

AND THE #1 TITLE GOES TO      ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1. Armani- Emporio
Tah-Dah!!!! This is my personal favorite!! I believe with this cologne there's a 90% chance you'll get "dessert" after your date. Hahaha. It smells so......manly and r-o-m-a-n-t-i-c. ^_^  I love this cologne sooo much that I have this scent embedded in my brain. Whenever another guy passes me by wearing it, it always makes me turn around to take a glimpse of who this "good taste in cologne" guy and what he looks like. If you're on a tight budget for cologne Abercrombie actually has a similar cologne called Fierce. Although, it's not t-h-a-t much cheaper (like Curve) you can still save around $15-$25 depending on what size you get.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

How to rot your brain part 1


Now, I’m not knocking anyone that watches TV on a regular basis or admits that they can’t live without it. What I can say though is that I’m proudly free of that “bond” and can put my time to some other use…..such as school, friends, shopping……..a life!! I came across this article on Yahoo! and it reminded me of how much this one little box consumed so much of my day at one point. Contrary to the article I can still watch some of my favorite shows on the internet. True Blood is a must and it’s easily found on a couple sites. (I don’t know why the guy couldn’t just google it and find it for free??) There's,, These days you can find just about any and everything on the net.

We haven’t had cable in over 1 ½ yrs. That alone has saved us at least $150 a month. We had the whole package deal- cable, internet and the recording DVR set aka TiVo. We always had our memory to 100% full by the time our day off came around. Guess what we did on that lovely beautiful day off? Used it catching up on ALL the drama series, reality shows, plus interesting discoveries we made on the way such as Taboo. Now what I don’t miss is always "debbie downer" Fox news or any MTV reality shows…*puke, blah, gag*

TV took over our lives. As soon as we got off work…..*bam*  TV time. When we woke up in the morning (more like early afternoon..hahaha) TV was quickly put to our attention….while we were eating breakfast, cleaning the dishes, getting ready for work, talking on the phone…..and I can go on and on. The TV was even on in our bedroom after we turned it off downstairs on our way to bed!! T-h-e-n we would watch it for like another hour or so!! Talk about no-lives.... ~_~

Wow, looking back I realized how much of media zombies we were.We were controlled and influenced by this black box. (not the illegal “black box.” Haha) I am soooo glad we got rid of our cable. Our relationship (Anthony and I) is better due to that I would say as well. Now when we get off work we focus on our day at work and when we’re lying in bed we talk more about the day and what’s on tomorrow’s agenda. I say, just try it!! Try leaving the TV off for 1 week and see how much better it is. It gets easier by the day. You start to accomplish things that were put off for so long (like cleaning out the closets, getting rid of old clothes, actually getting up and doing something productive.) Just thought I'd share some words of encouragement to you all.....Don't you love me? ^_^ 
Now, internet…that’s a no go…. :D 

Now let's review what $150 would get me each month---------

AAAGGHHH!! TOO MUCH BRAINWASHING!!!!!! I think I'll keep my money, thanks.....

P.S.-Note the misspelling on the second clip. Yes, I know it's "realiZing" but this was the only pic I could find on google that matched my post perfectly!! Plus, the person that misspelled it was probably too busy watching TV as they wrote it n the pic. :P

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Cute Picture Poses

Poses? What are those? Yeah, in America we do the traditional "thumbs up" or "peace sign" but those aren't REAL poses. In Asia, it seems like they have a different "vogue" pose for every pic, everyday, with every friend. Haha. I decided to show you all the many different ways to shake things up next time you're thrown in front of the camera! Thanks to my lovely friends/coworkers they will demonstrate these moves for you-Feel free to copy these and get them down to a cute perfection!! ^_^

Pose #1- Please/Pleading

 Pose #2- Begging

Pose #3- Holler

Pose #4- Punch

Pose #5- Surprised/Shocked

Pose #6- Big Heart (very popular)

Pose #7- Heart #2  
(Karina wanted to join in on the fun as well..haha)

Pose #8- Claws (my cute!)

Pose #9- Pigtails

Pose #10- Picture

Pose #11- Ssshh/Hush

Pose #12- Ears/Horns

Pose #13- Hey

Pose #14- Sad/Tears

Pose #15- Okay 

Pose #16- Kimchi/Peace

Pose #17- V sign by the eyes

Pose #18- Teasing