Tuesday, April 5, 2011


My only day off has now turned into a sick day. What I thought was just a little sign of dehydration turned out to be food poisoning. Of course it just so happened to fall on my school day as well, but luckily it was mild at that time. The puking didn't really take in effect until the evening. Darn you leftover frozen pizza *clenching fist* I'm so traumatized by processed food now. I guess I just assumed it was good to eat 3 days later since it had all these preservatives in it already. ;P Wrong.

I slept tossed and turned all day yesterday. My stomach was rumbling so loud, but my body would get queasy at the thought of just eating anything. It was a lose-lose situation.

 It felt good to lounge around, but I was disappointed because I had many things to accomplish. My kitchen looks like a deserted tenant lives here, I needed to clean my clothes (mainly because I'm 1 clean underwear away), and I planned on doing some grocery shopping. All those plans just thrown out the window.

Today I called off work to recover. I woke up with a dizzy spell and needed to force some H20 in my system. Youtube makes a great companion on rainy days or sick days like these.

Lately, I've been going through tea phase. Ever since I've been working out I hopped on the green tea wagon and kind of enjoyed it. Actually, I can't stand the taste of straight green tea so I get the ones that are mixed in with some other type of fruit......preferably pomegranate or cranberry. Now whenever I'm just sitting around I tend to drink my water warm too. It's more soothing that way I think. Every night before I go to bed I have to drink up a warm mug of water....it puts me at ease. ;)

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