Tuesday, July 12, 2011

My Birthday

This post is waaay over due but better late then never, right?

Well, wow. Another year has passed me by and another year added to my age. I still can't believe I'm in my twenties when at times I act like a 19 year old. While my friends are off getting married and popping babies I'm still doing the same thing I've been doing the last 5 years- working. Well, now I can add school too, but it's mainly work.....and more work. Gosh, I need to do more with my life.

Looking back these last couple of years I haven't really accomplished much. When I catch up with friends they laugh at how much hasn't really changed. When my mom calls there isn't anything new to the edition of Michelle's life. I guess that could be a bad or good thing. I take it as good most of the time. At least I don't have some crazy partying life where I'm not sure who I woke up to, right? We'll keep it predictable and routine for now.

Starting this year I vowed to start doing more productive things through out the week. I want to take up yoga classes, maybe get another part time job, or  just even volunteer to find more meaning in my day. I mean, sure, I have a good job and a comfortable lifestyle, but that's all it sums up to. I don't have any skills, play any sports, or participate in any clubs.Luckily I started this blog last year and found this to be quite a hobby. I'm surprised I've kept it up for this long. While I don't have thousands of followers I do have the right amount of loyal readers. :) That I must say thank you to and express my deepest appreciation. I get emails from people asking me questions, commenting about the blog, or just wanting to say hi and that always puts a smile on my face. Thank you, my lovely readers!! **Muah!*

While I feel like my life has no exciting plot at the moment, a lot sure has changed since I hit my twenties. I've slowly become a woman that I would have somewhat never expected. I've taken in the pleasure of wine tasting, became a food junkie, started caring about food quality, going to the gym 5 days a week, actually pursuing a degree (that I also have interest in), and moving somewhat far away from family.

I love the woman I've slowly molded into and I thank everyone in my life for having somewhat of an influence to that. Even with burnt bridges and broken friendships it's added to my character and helped me find other paths and better and more meaningful relationships.

For my bday my friends and I got together for some sushi (my favorite!) I mean, what else would it be? Haha. After dinner, the night followed up with some money chasing at the casino and dancing into the night at the downtown nightclub. We all had a good time.

**Noticed how my bra keeps peeking through when it's picture time?? *ggrrr* And why did I wear gray? Black would have been more suitable.Oh well.** :P

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