Sunday, August 7, 2011

Off to the Farmers' Market

Lately I've been itching to go to one of our many local farmers' markets around town. With work demanding more of my time I've been too exhausted to wake up at 8/9am. Last night I made sure to hop in the sack no later than 1:30am so that way I still got my "beauty sleep" but made it in time to hit the town.

Man, our weather is so gruesom. It was 85 degress at 9:35 this morning!! It's 9:30pm right now.........and it's still the same tempertaure! Unbelievable. Will we ever catch a break? Our moonsoon season hasn't exactly been doing it's rain dance this year so it's been really scourging dry.

Regardless of the weather I managed too pull myself out of bed and off to the market. When I first moved out on my own (and years following) I based my shopping list by price, not quality. I always managed to find food for under $40 that would last me the whole week! Yeah, but those frozen dinners and canned meats (Spam....oh, how I love thee) definitely caught up to me now.

I just recently started becoming a "health nut" about a year and 1/2 now. After seeing Food Inc. I was never the same again. I started becoming hooked on food documentaries, hungry for the truth behind our food industries. Sure, the packaging looks all cute and happy-go-lucky, but most of those food products had a sad sick story behind them.

I did a complete 180 on the food options and limited my packed foods by a lot! Now I'm not saying I'm perfect and eat raw/good foods everday all day, but I definitley try 80-90% of the time.

We purchased some farmers' eggs (which were sooo good!! I couldn't wait and had to crack a couple for breakfast. The quality was that drastic! )  Before I used to pay $1.30 for some whatever eggs at the local convienance store, then we amped up to organic eggs from Trader Joes which was double the price. Three dollars a dozen still wasn't too bad, but here at the market we paid $5 a dozen! Totally not what we're used to paying, but it was by far worth the extra amount. It was weird because when I was eating my fried farmers eggs the texture was thicker, fluffier, and "fuller." Compared to what I've always been eating I felt cheated all these years. :P We also grabbed some apples, peaches, jalepeno sauce, and some yummy jalepeno-clantro-lime butter. This morning was a definite win.

I love our solar powered flower Flip Flap. I've seen so many of these bobbling around in the cars in Korea. I made it a mission to find one for mine as well. Once I came across 1 I grabbed like 6 more in different colors. You know, because just in case our sun melts it away.....which hasn't happened so far *knocks on wood*

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