Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Back to reality......

So, I've been back from my vacation in France......and I must say I'm pretty bummed. It was nice spending quality time with my mom, her husband, and my sister and brothers. The month practically flew by!!!

Now I'm back in the desert and back to reality. The heat wave was anticipating my arrival back and my skin was not ready to get even more tan! (x_x) I miss the weather in Europe. The breeze was always there and the rain was always visiting every 2 days or so. (Just light sprinkles though. That's what I like.)

My plane ride back wasn't AS bad as the trip there, but it was still pretty darn long and exhausting. (13 hrs)

I wanted to buy some magazines before I hopped on the plane to occupy my time. As I darted in the bookstore heading straight to the magazine section I quickly restrained myself. TEN EUROS for a Cosmo magazine??????? No way!!! Talk about robbery. That's equal to like 13 U.S. dollars!! I wasn't in that desperate need of entertainment. Although I wished I would have slipped myself a heavy-duty sleeping pill. (-_-)

The view was just beautiful when we were taking off. It was sad saying good-bye to the nice green land. I definitely miss the trees, grass, and water. :(

Luckily they had some Sky Magazine to keep me busy for about an hour or so. It was nice skimming through it because it was all high-end designers that I could only look at through the pages as oppose to really having something like that one day...haha. A girl can drool every now and then.

In Tennessee they had these little condensation misters. That was the first time I've ever seen or heard of those! Pretty neat though!

I've been pretty lazy as soon as I got back home. The heat has really been taking a toll on me and making me sleepy. Hahaha. It doesn't help that we FINALLY got pulled over for our limo tint on the car. Anthony had to take off the 2 front window tints in order to not get a fine. (Which he winded up having to pay the court $100 anyways!!) Now we're driving around town fish-bowling it and exposing our arms to the rays of death!! *Agghhh!*

School's about to start next month and I haven't even picked out my classes. I'm still deciding on whether to take Korean language class or save the gas and use my Rosetta stone program that I've had for a year now (that's collecting dust.) (>_<)

Work's been busy as well. We have these Korean interns coming this week to work and it's their first visit to the states. I'm pretty sure it'll be a culture shock for them. (especially moral wise..ahahaha....) And guess who has the honor of involuntarily translating everything upon their arrival??......*drum roll.*................................ANTHONY! Yes, they will abuse my poor boo's gift of being bilingual and make him do all the translating for work and legal purposes. It gets exhausting when there's 7-8 of them!! But work is too cheap to hire a real translator. Times are tough I guess. They should at least offer him free dinner somewhere.....or a gas card. But no, they won't.

I still need to reorganize the bedroom for our computer desk. I'm still looking for a good laptop. Any suggestions? Anthony's leaning towards a Toshiba. Me, I really don't are as long as there's internet. Lol.

Speaking of internet, I'm actually using the internet using my phone as a hot-spot. Yes, we finally upgraded our blackberries for the new HTC Evo! Let me just say, that phone is great!! We are actually saving money with our hi-speed bill by $20-$30. We can shut off the hot-spot anytime as well. So, if we ever leave town for a couple days/weeks we can just call our phone company's customer care and have them shut it off saving $1 each day it's not used.

I'm possibly looking to have my phone "deco-den" style, but we'll see. I'm scared I'll screw it up!!

Well, now that 4th of July week is over with I should be on the ball with more blog posts....Everything will feel more complete once i get my computer desk and laptop!! :D

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