Thursday, June 17, 2010

Korean Cell Phones

I remember 9 years ago when I went to Korea I was so shocked to find that everybody had a cellphone!! I mean everybody!! Business men, wives, students, even ajimas had cell phones!! Back then I was just 14 and I thought it was cool to have my high tech pager that showed the temperature outside. Boy was I wrong.... One thing I admire Korea for is their advancement in technology. After my visit in 2001 I told myself I was living there one day.....and today I still follow this dream....(after I get my teaching degree......which isn't coming any slower!!!!)

Check out these phones I found that were out more than 5 years ago in Korea!! T_T

Now this was my phone in 2003/2004-

Yeah, I know it doesn't look that bad, which it wasn't. I loved my phone back then...but if i would've known what my cousins had in Korea then I surely would be oozing with envy.

While on the topic of cool cell phones this is going to be my lil baby in 1 month *drum roll*................................................................................................................................................




THE HTC EVO by SPRINT. Yep, this will be yet the coolest phone I've ever had. (besides the blackberry curve that's now played out) I know what you're thinking. "It looks like a wannabe Iphone." Well, yeah. Kinda, it is. It's not really a "wannabe" but more like the competitor. Wal-mart has it's K-mart, Pizza Hut has it's Domino's, Dillard's has it's Macy's and then Iphone has it's Evo. Yes, the time has come where the iphone must sweat bricks too. I admit I once drooled over the iphone but there was no way in hell I was going to switch over to the AT&T service (also once known as Cingular) Hearing from friends how the service reception was horrible and the high monthly payment plans I decided to stay loyal to my Sprint service. (going on 6+ years)
What makes this phone so great and worth getting you ask? Well, these were my selling points-
-I can do video calling and chat
-wi-fi enabled
-first android phone with 4g technology
-bigger screen size (than the iphone) to better watch movies/clips
-it can read adobe flash (which my blackberry couldn't)
-2 cameras (yes! finally 1 in the front so i can see my face when i take my camera phone shots..haha)
-8.0 megapixel camera
-it looks cool
-and I only pay $199 for it!!! ^-^
I can't wait for August (when I can renew my contract!) Please come sooner!! Just in time for school just in case I need a little test "helper." hahahaha

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