Saturday, January 29, 2011

Just venting...

I’ve had this “friend.” were I officially decided to end this unhealthy/weird relationship just the other day.

Have you ever had a friend that just wasn’t ………a true friend? I don’t know how to explain it really. We were close all through high school, had a fight ,and didn’t speak for 2 years. Then back in 2006 we got back in touch. Things were good and  back to normal.

It wasn’t until the last 3 years I saw her true colors. She moved to a different state to accompany her military husband. We would talk for hours on the phone and laugh the day away. Last year I offered to come out to visit while her husband was still deployed. We would enjoy the girl time and go skiing in the Colorado snow together.

She made some excuse on why I shouldn’t come.

She made new friends.

Phone calls were becoming very seldom.

She was that type of friend where if I didn’t call then we wouldn’t talk at all.

I was tired of being the “boyfriend” in this friendship. Have you ever had that type of friend before? It’s so weird……

After 2 unreturned phone calls and 1 text, I gave up on the chase and let her go.

This was back in May 2010.

I called her 2 nights ago to see how she was after not hearing from her. (See, what a weak good friend I am..hahaha..)

Why did I have to give in? Obviously she didn’t care how I felt. Her life was perfectly fine without me now that her husband was back.

“Hello? Michelle??!” She answers.

“Hey, Stephanie! How are you??” I was surprised she even answered

“Oh, you know. I’m good……blah…..blah……blah… husband’s out of the military now……

Blah…..blah……I started taking online classes…..blah…….blah………I’m 7 months pregnant.”

“Wait, what???” I replied in shock

You see, Stephanie has been trying for 3 years to conceive and she was taking it very hard  as each year went by.

Guess who was there for her moral support? Why, her wonderful friend, ME!

At that moment I was so happy for her but…..I also came to the conclusion that this friendship was over.

How the hell do you go 7 freakin’ months without having the decency to even call me to let me know??

Did our 8 year friendship mean nothing to her??

I always end up having the selfish friends. Why is that? Weird…..Is it because they take advantage of my kindness? I don’t get it. *shaking head*

I know this post is somewhat pointless, but I had to vent.

On top of that Anthony is annoying me.

Why must it take him 5 days to do the dishes??? Is it just my boyfriend that says he’ll do them on multiple occasions and then blows them off secretly hoping that I’ll do them?? *irritated*

My guy friends say that ALL men are like that? Is that so? Last time I checked, my dad was pretty good at picking up a sponge and wiping it across a plate full of leftover dinner gunk. How easy is that?

I’m just having a frustrating week………*sigh*

School starts on Wednesday as well.  T_T   Man, back to the books and trying to cram in next day quizzes. I was *this* close to taking German 101, but I knew that it would demand a lot of my attention.

 Of course you guys wouldn’t know this, but I know German. I’m not comfortable to say I’m fluent in it but I can read, write, and speak it on a 3rd -4th grade level. My German is waaaay better than my Korean, let’s just put it that way, which was my second language. : P The last time I actually remember speaking German was like 10 years ago.  My dad divorced his wife and my half siblings moved back to Germany with her.  It’d be nice to brush up on it and become comfortable with it again.

Anthony thinks the German accent is so unattractive. Please excuse him, for he can be out of his mind at times. *shaking head*

 “Really???” I asked him. “Last time I checked the Korean accent wasn’t all that great either… At least they can pronounce their T’s and R’s!” Haha…..… Yeah, he couldn’t say much after that.

German 101 will have to be pushed aside for August I guess.

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