Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Shedding the fat

I need to lose wight to make room for the weight I'm going to gain back from stuffing my face in May. :P

In attempt to slim down, I finally gave in and attempted to keep track of my calories.

You see, throughout the years whenever I heard this manageable way to help lose weight I secretly criticized it. I thought why not just keep track in your head? Just round up and slowly add the numbers as each meal passes on.

The other day I downloaded this app on to my phone and tried to see how “useful” writing down your daily calorie intake could be.

Let me just say, wow!........... I never knew I was such a pig! (actually I did..hahaha) It looked worse on paper though. My average “normal” daily intake would be 2,000-2,200 calories!!! No wonder I wasn’t losing any weight…hahaha.

I’ve cut my intake to 1,200 calories a day and sometimes 900 of I’m feeling really disciplined. It’s harder than it sounds. My stomach is used to a lot of food that on the first day I thought I was going to dye from hunger pangs. :(

Here’s an example of what my new diet consists of-

Yogurt (before gym)

Breakfast (after gym)
 english muffin sandwhich- (½ cup egg whites, 2 slices of Canadian bacon, 1 english muffin, no butter)
1 protein shake

10 almonds

Instant 100 calorie count oatmeal pack

Anything that’s under 400-500 calories…..so that usually means 1 big serving of vegetables, ½ rice, small portion of meat (chicken or beef.)

10 almonds

Anything over this is exceeding 1,200, which is what I need to eat to lose weight.

Pretty wimpy, huh? Well, I have to say I feel healthier just knowing that I'm not adding extra junk into my body. This is my first week so I’ll let you know the results after a couple of months. :D

Tea, anybody?
 Oh, I hate green tee by the way. So much for that addition to my diet plan. I want my arms like theirs; nice and toned. (I wasn't refering to the stickly figure.)
I found this pic in the American Vogue Dec.2010 edition today at the gym. Imagine that. I love it.

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